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Searching for truth can be overwhelming. These tools can help you cut through the noise.

The bad news: We’re drowning in information. And worse, the internet is full of con artists and manipulators who do their best to muddy the waters and sow confusion. If they had their way, we’d never find a clear answer for any of the pressing problems that our society faces. Online manipulators have gotten very good at finding the right buttons to press to keep us confused and off-balance.

The good news: You can learn to recognize the bad actors who just want to sow confusion. Once you know what to look for and how to respond, it becomes that much harder for the manipulators to get inside your head.

The videos on this website are about staying level-headed online – either examples of manipulation techniques to watch out for, or strategies to bring clarity to what you see and hear online.

BEWARE of anyone who talks like this!

Manipulators PREY on HIDDEN BIASES

AVOID THE HERD MENTALITY with these simple tricks

Stay ONE STEP AHEAD with this technique!

CON ARTISTS don’t want you to watch this!

Learn how to BREAK FREE from manipulation!

who are we

Level-Headed.org helps you stay in control of the debate.

This website was created to respond to a big problem – that manipulators online reap real benefit by keeping us upset and angry about the biggest issues of our time.

Level-Headed.org doesn’t take sides on issues. Instead, we’re here to help provide you with the tools you need to keep your cool and avoid being manipulated.

Read more about who we are and the problem we’re trying to solve.

What's the Problem?

Manipulators and con artists will try and hijack your ability to think rationally. Know what to watch for – and how to stay in control.

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